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PTA News


    Klatt PTA Family Connection Points: "Year at a Glance" - Important dates and Upcoming Events - Open HERE

    Hello everyone!

    I wanted to let you know about an additional CHANGE we're making to PTA meetings this year since staff orientation. This does not change any communication we've already made with families this year.
    Our four PTA meetings are becoming PTA Gatherings - with an emphasis on parent/ family member connection and learning opportunities (parent resources, advocacy, etc). We will share opportunities for getting involved at school at these events, but we will not be having business discussed at these gatherings. These four are in-person gatherings only.
    Our monthly PTA Board meetings will be open to any staff, teacher, parent, or family member who is interested in helping shape school culture, plan events, generate ideas, fundraise, etc. This is where general PTA business will happen. All member voting will be done electronically this year. These monthly meetings will be live and on Zoom.
    If you are interested in learning more about this change, keep reading, otherwise see the new Community Engagement At-A-Glance poster (with dates and times) attached. Thank you!
    Feel free to email me at klattpta@gmail.com if you have any questions!
    Thanks for your flexibility as we flex to best serve our families!
    Jessica Louwerse
    Klatt PTA
    Last year, we decided to shift our monthly PTA meetings to quarterly because of low attendance and wanting to channel some of that time and energy into increasing informal parent connections (like adding Coffee and Conversation on the opposite months). 
    We've also had families asking for some support resources, but aren't interested in PTA business. Yet we also have people interested in being involved in PTA business. With this restructuring, we actually aren't creating more meetings for us (the PTA), but we are utilizing them differently, allowing more access points for parents to pick and choose from depending on their level of interest. If you are a staff or teacher involved in PTA - you too get to choose which level you want to engage in, and you do not need to be at every event/ meeting/ gathering! 


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